Course Description
- can read and write Hiragana, Katakana, and
basic Kanji
- need to buy textbook
(It will be announced in the class)
Reading & Writing
Our lessons will help you to read wide range of topics on general news or articles and to understand the content. Also, you will practice to write a short paragraph with opinions.
- Kanji
- Vocabulary
- Writing short paragraphs
- Reading articles and news
Many Japanese learners have struggled with subtle nuances. In our lessons, you will practice speaking through conversation and discussions learning natural expressions. You will be more confident with your speaking in daily lives and even in a business setting.
- Keigo (Business Japanese)
- Vocabulary (natural expression)
- Conversation & discussion
*The content will be arranged according to students' preference. There are other contents including JLPT preparation and practice for job hunting.
Japanese level N3-N2
Course length Min 1 month
Tuition 2,000/hour
Class size Maximum 3
Days Weekdays
Time (JST) 1 or 2 hours from 18:00-21:00