Preparation Cours:
Skills Assessment Test
for Food Service Industry
Course Description
Japanese level JLPT N4 or above
Tuition ¥5,000
Class size Maximum 5
Schedule October 12,14,19,21,26
Time (JST) 19:30-21:30
- need to have JLPT N4 or above
- need to be supposed to take Skills Assessment Test
for Food Service Industry in the near future
- if we received more applications that
expected, those who are planning to take the test
in this November will be given priority
Hygiene Controls
-Basic Hygiene Controls
-Good Hygiene Practice
-HACCP based Food Hygiene System
Preparation of Food and Drink
-Ingredients (raw ingredients)
-Basic Preparation Processes
-Various Preparation Method
-Cooking Appliances, Utensils and Tools
-Occupational Health & Safety
Customer Services
-Knowledge of Customer Services
-Knowledge of Foods
-Restaurant Management
-Handling Complaints
-Emergency Responses
* Examinees of Skills Assessment Test for Food Service Industry will choose a test type from
A,B and C. They have different allocation of marks to the three subjects and we can
customize the course content according to the students' choice.