Preparation Cours:
Nursing Care
Skills Evaluation Test
Course Description
Basic Information
Japanese level accept any level
Course length 9 weeks
Tuition Course A: ¥5,000 (in total)
Course B: ¥2,000/h
Class size Course A: Maximum 11
Course B: Maximum 3
Days Tuesday & Thursday
Time (JST) 17:30-19:30
- About course A & B
The difference between the course A and B is the tuition and size of the class. Students can join the one they prefer, but course A has a possibility that its Japanese level might not fit your level since we adjust it based on that of majority of the students. For course B, we can set the Japanese level based on your level as the size of this class is small. We can conduct lessons even in English.
- Who can join this course?
This is a preparation course for Nursing care skills evaluation test, which is required to pass to gain Specified Skilled Worker Visa in nursing care. However, we will welcome not only those who aim at gaining this visa but also those who have other types of visas and want to join this course as a preparation for "care worker induction course".
- Cash back promotion
We are currently offering a cash back promotion. If you could get a job through Guidable Jobs (a service of our founder, Guidable) after completing this course, you will get back 1/3 of the total tuition. Guidable will offer full support to get a nursing care position.
Basics of Nursing Care
-Human dignity and independence in nursing care
-Role and professional ethics of care workers
-Ensuring safety and risk management in nursing care
Mechanism of Mind and Body
-Understanding of the mechanism of mind and body
-Understanding of people in need of nursing care
Communication Skills
-Basics of communication
-Communication with users
e.g. the way of talking, how to talk with people who have difficulties
-Communication with team members
Skills for Providing Daily Assistance
-Nursing care related to assistance in walking/lifting/transferring
-Nursing care at mealtimes
-Nursing care related to elimination needs
-Nursing care related to grooming
-Nursing care related to bathing/keeping clean
-Nursing care related to housework
* The content above is for Nursing Care Skills, which is a section of Nursing Care Skills Evaluation Test. Content for Nursing Care Japanese Language, which is another section of the test will be covered mainly with assignment provided in each class.